Pastor Gary Combs continues the series “The DNA of Real Community” with this sermon about the second “devotion” of the early church, “the fellowship.” The Greek word for fellowship is koinonia. This is more than just a get-together. This is about the common identity that believers share as members of Christ’s family.
Speaker: Gary Combs
DNA: A Common Belief
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Pastor Gary Combs begins a new series entitled “The DNA of Real Community” with this message from Acts 2:42-47 about the first century Christians devotion to a “common belief” in the apostle’s teaching. This message teaches the importance of having a commitment and devotion to God’s Word as the foundation for a true Christian community of believers.
iCommit to Contribute to God’s Kingdom
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Pastor Gary Combs concludes the 4-part series “iCommit” with this message from Matthew 20. In the book of Matthew, the mother of James and John asked Jesus for seats of authority for her sons on either side of Jesus. Jesus told her and all the disciples that following Him was not a call to be great in the way the world sees things. He said that the greatness they were called to was called servanthood. He told them to follow His example of service by being willing to contribute all that they had in serving God.
iCommit to Connect to God’s People
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Pastor Gary Combs continues the “iCommit” series with this message from Romans. In the book of Romans the apostle Paul told the Roman Christians that even though they had followed Christ by an individual decision they must recognize that in following Him they had become one body, connected to other believers. When we follow Christ we make must make an individual decision to follow, but that leads to a corporate identity. We become the body of Christ connected to every other believer.
iCommit to Celebrate God’s Son
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Pastor Gary Combs continues the “iCommit” series with this message about the importance of making a simple commitment to worship God by giving Jesus first place in your life. This message is taken from Mark 12:30 where Jesus simplifies all of Scripture by teaching the great commandment to love God.
iCommit: Three Simple Commitments
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Pastor Gary Combs begins a new 4-part sermon series entitled “iCommit.” This series begins from Christ’s call to his disciples in Matthew 4 to “come” and “follow.” In this culture of chaotic busyness, Christ’s simple call to follow him helps us focus on what really matters.
The Son that Shone
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Pastor Gary Combs concludes his four part series entitled, “Four Pillars of Christology” with this message from Hebrews. In this passage the phrase, “the Son is the radiance of God’s glory,” is of particular interest. This message teaches that Jesus is the beauty of God and the supreme revelation of God.
The Image that Interceded
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Pastor Gary Combs continues his 4-part series entitled “Four Pillars of Christology” with this message from Colossians. In this message we see that Jesus is the supreme revelation of God and reconciler of the world to God.
The Sovereign That Served
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Pastor Gary Combs continues the four part series “Four Pillars of Christology” with this message from Philippians entitled, “The Sovereign That Served.”
The Word that Walked
Posted by jonathan & filed under .
Pastor Gary Combs begins a four-week series entitled “Four Pillars of Christology.” This series will be a study of the person of Christ. This first message is taken from John 1:1-18, where the Scripture says that Jesus is the “Word made flesh.”