Jesus – the Vine

In this last sermon in the “I AM” series, Pastor Gary helps us understand Jesus’ claim to be the True Vine. Are you connected to Jesus? Are you drawing abundant life from the Vine?

Jesus – the Way, the Truth and the Life

In this, the 6th I AM statement of Jesus in the book of John, Jesus makes an exclusive claim to be the Way, the Truth and the Life. Pastor Gary helps us understand how Christ makes it possible to send out an S.O.S to God in response to his claims.

Jesus – The Resurrection

In the 5th installment of our “I AM” sermon series, we look at Jesus’ claim to be the Resurrection and the Life. What do you need resurrected in your life? Is it you? A relationship? A dream? Respond to Jesus and let him raise you to abundant life in him.

Jesus – The Good Shepherd

In this 4th sermon in the I AM series, Pastor Gary helps us understand Jesus’ claim to be the Good Shepherd. Jesus laid down his life for us, his sheep. He cares for us, and he is coming again…

Jesus – The Door

In this sermon, the 3rd in our “I AM” series, Pastor Gary helps us understand what Jesus meant when he said, “I am the door”. How should we respond to Jesus’ outrageous claim to the the unique, narrow, and secure door?

Jesus – Light of the World

This is the second sermon in the 7-part series entitled “I AM: How Jesus Answers Life’s Deepest Longings.” This message considers the second of Jesus’ seven I AM statements found in the gospel of John, that Jesus is the Light of the World. In this sermon, we will learn how to follow Christ, know Christ, and believe his claims to shine his light in the darkest parts of our lives.

Jesus – The Bread of Life

This is the first sermon in the 7-part series entitled “I AM: How Jesus Answers Life’s Deepest Longings.” This message considers the first of Jesus’ seven I AM statements found in the gospel of John. The first I AM declaration by Jesus is recorded in John 6:35, where Jesus says, “I am the bread of life.” Here, Jesus is saying that He is the only one that can satisfy our soul’s deepest need for eternal life.

What God Cares About

Pastor Gary Combs concludes the sermon series through the book of Jonah with this message about what God cares about. We often get wrapped up in our own kingdom, our own comfort and our own stuff and neglect to care about what God cares about. This message shows us how to recognize what God cares about.

Getting a Fresh Start

Pastor Gary Combs continues the sermon series through the book of Jonah with this message about how God gave Jonah a second chance to answer His call. We can understand how God wants to give us a second chance, a fresh start. This message shows how we can receive a fresh start from God.

Prayers from the Pit

Pastor Gary Combs continues with part two of the JONAH series with this message entitled “Prayers from the Pit.” In Jonah chapter two, Jonah cries out to God from the belly of the fish and repents of his sin and God hears and answers him. God hears the prayers of the one who has a heart of humility, seeking His face and repentance.