Situational Parenting

Pastor Gary Combs teaches us from 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 on the topic of “Situational Parenting”

Stewardship Parenting

In this kickoff to our new sermon series, Pastor Gary helps us understand how to raise children that are better than good – how to raise Kingdom Kids. Using Ephesians 6:4, we learn the ABC’s of Stewardship Parenting.

Let’s Try Living Together First

Pastor Gary Combs concludes the FAIL series with this message from Malachi about God’s wonderful provision for us called marriage. A growing number of people today are choosing to live together rather than commit to marriage. About 2/3 of them say it’s because they don’t want to experience divorce. But God’s Word offers a better strategy, one that offers four words of blessing for us in marriage. These four words are: Creation, Covenant, Celebration and Commitment.

Are You Learning the Joy of Contentment in Every Circumstance?

Pastor Gary Combs concluded the sermon series “Diagnosing Your Spiritual Health” with this message from Philippians about the Christian’s contentment. As we trust Christ more and more we are able to find our contentment in Him and not in the ever changing circumstances of life.

Do you have a growing concern for the spiritual condition of others?

When we come to Christ, we come for ourselves. We come needing for ourselves. But having received Him, He makes us see others. He makes us want to help others. Who are you concerned for today? Who do you know that needs Christ? Whose spiritual condition are you concerned for? In this sermon, Pastor Gary helps us diagnose whether we are appropriately concerned for the spiritual condition of others.

Are You Growing in Loving and Forgiving?

Pastor Gary Combs continued the sermon series “Diagnosing Your Spiritual Health” with this message from 1 John. This sermon discussed the importance of examining your spiritual heart. Does it beat with the love and forgiveness that comes from God? This sermon was preached on Mother’s Day.

Does God’s Word Have a Growing Influence in Your Life?

Pastor Gary Combs continues the sermon series entitled “Diagnosing Your Spiritual Health” with this message from 2 Timothy about the importance of knowing and following God’s Word. Three important diagnostic questions are asked in this sermon 1) Are you a serious student of God’s Word? 2) Are you an assured believer of God’s Word? and 3) Are you aligning your life with God’s Word?

Do You Thirst for God?

How are you doing spiritually? Do you know God personally? Have you received the forgiveness of your sins through the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross? Are you growing in your relationship with God through His Son? Are you growing in your thirst for the very presence of Christ in your life? In this opening sermon in our “Diagnosing Your Spiritual Health” series, Pastor Gary helps us diagnose our desire for spiritual satisfaction.

A Living Hope

Pastor Gary Combs speaks on how we can know the living hope the apostle Peter spoke of in his first epistle. This living hope has three aspects. It is based on the resurrection of Christ. It finds its present nature is encouraged by the reservation that Christ has made for us in heaven and its object is Christ’s return. This is the living hope we are reminded of at Easter.

From Groaning to Glory

Pastor Gary Combs delivered this message from Romans 8.18-25 on Palm Sunday about how resurrection hope moves our state of groaning into a consideration of glory. This resurrection hope that is anchored in Jesus helps make sense of our suffering, it explains our longing and empowers our enduring expectation.