The Family Circus

The cartoon series, “The Family Circus,” was created by self-taught artist and cartoonist, Bil Keane in 1959. Cartooning from his home office with family all around, Keane was inspired and soon began drawing “The Family Circus,” using his five children as subject matter. Keane said, “If there is a philosophy behind the feature, it is that a home filled with love and laughter is the happiest place in the world.”

The Safety Net – Grandparents

August 18, 2024 ·
Psalm 71:14-18

The Tightrope – Singleness

August 11, 2024 ·
1 Corinthians 7

The Lion Cage – Parenting

August 4, 2024 ·
Ephesians 6:1-4

The Flying Trapeze – Marriage

July 28, 2024 ·
Ephesians 5:22-33

The Circus – Family

July 21, 2024 ·
Ephesians 3:14-21