Take the RESET Challenge: 28 days to reset your life
- Hear the 5 weekly sermons
- Read the daily devotional (download below each week)
- Attend a Community Group to work through the topic each week with others
Week 1
RESET Your Soul Ephesians 4:17-24
Week 2
RESET Your Relationships Ephesians 4:25-32
This worksheet will help you think through your relationships and how you can experience forgiveness and reconciliation in any relationships that may be strained. Download and print the inventory below.
Pastor Gary mentioned the book, “The Peace Maker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict”, in his sermon. Buy it on Amazon.com
Week 3
RESET Your Calendar Ephesians 5:15-16
This worksheet will help you think through your weekly calendar and whether your time is being spent according to the priorities you have been given by God.
Week 4
RESET Your Wallet Luke 15:11-24
Do you know how much you earn, spend, owe and own? Use the resources below, from Crown Financial Ministries, to answer those questions. Then, get together with someone you trust and go through the documents together. Prayerfully consider what changes God would have you make.
Week 5
RESET Your Focus Philippians 3:12-17