Tearing Down to Lay a Better Foundation
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition April 26, 2009 Notes
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition April 26, 2009 Notes
In the TV show, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, they always show us how bad the family situation is, then they get the community together to tear down the old house and build a brand new one from the foundation up. There’s wisdom in that. First, tear down the poorly built house, then build a new one on a better foundation.
There are some things in our families that need to be torn down, that need to be repented of and forgiven. Then, we can build our families on a new and better foundation… the foundation of the Word of God.
Check out Pastor Gary's site at garycombs.org for full transcripts of the message and a searchable database of sermons, blog posts and One Year Bible devotions by date and scripture.