Should We Care About Heavenly Rewards?

Heaven May 5, 2024 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 Notes

A lot of Christians get nervous about this topic of heavenly rewards. They are confused about the importance of living a life of faithful obedience to God in this life. They mistakenly claim, “My good works mean nothing to God.” It’s true that we are saved by grace apart from works. We can’t earn salvation. We can’t work and earn eternal life and heaven. We can only receive the free gift of salvation by faith. That’s true.

But in the apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he told them to take care to live faithfully for Christ for it would determine their heavenly reward. We can take care to live faithfully for Christ knowing that it determines our heavenly reward.



All right. Good morning, church. Good to see all of you here this morning. Look at all these young adults down in the front row. I heard it's like the one year anniversary of the "YAMS."

Is that right? The Young Adult Ministry. Is that right? Is that right, Randy? Okay, well, it's good.

It's. Wow. I feel like I dressed appropriately for this group today, you know? What do y'all think? Right?

You could preach, though. You're looking good, bro. Yeah. Hey, we're continuing our series through talking about heaven. And we're in part four of our series on heaven this morning.

And we're going to be asking this question today. Should we care about heavenly rewards? That's our topic today as we think about this part four of our heaven series. But before I dig in, a couple of things to celebrate. In addition to the YAMS celebrating  their one year anniversary of this new ministry, we love having our young adults together this morning.

Last weekend we had the women's retreat. And so the Eastgate women went on retreat. Over sixty women went. But the thing that we want to celebrate is that four women gave their life to Jesus last weekend. And so we always celebrate that.

Right? The Bible says there will be rejoicing in heaven when one repents and comes to Jesus. There was a big party in heaven last weekend as the women celebrated. And next, I want to explain why I have these Nike high tops on, right?

Last week we conducted our four-night prayer rally, our church, our citywide prayer rally, and we concluded here on Wednesday night at East Gate. Now, we had four nights. We began at Daniel's Chapel on Sunday night. We went to Christ Temple of Praise on Monday night. On Tuesday night, we were at Bible Missionary Baptist.

And then we were supposed to be at the Whirligig stage. But because of the threat of rain and all the sound equipment, we would have had exposed to the weather. We made a last-minute decision to be here at Eastgate. And we had like 300 and some people here. Now this room only seats 214.

And so we put extra chairs down front and we ended up packing 240 some people into this room. I mean, it was packed. And so I'm thankful we had the Gathering Place because we had another almost 100 people in the room next door. And I heard they were just as loud as we were. They were over there with the video screens and really worshiping.

And so I was thankful for that. I'm glad we have that room. And the reason we have multiple services is because we need the space. But over the past, over those four nights, we probably had around 600 people in attendance from various churches. Now, we had eight pastors who sponsored this event, and they're part of a group that we're calling "Christ Together for Wilson."

We're not putting our own name on this as a church. We're recognizing that we're all members of the Church of Jesus. And so these eight pastors that you see pictured now behind me, these are eight brothers that I meet with monthly to pray together. And we love each other, and we're praying for revival in our city, and we're praying that we would make it hard to go to hell in Wilson county. What we're praying for is that we would make sure that every man, woman, and child have repeated opportunities to see, hear, and respond to the gospel.

And we're calling this "gospel saturation." We want to saturate our city with the gospel. And we know it's going to take more than just our church. It's going to take all the churches that believe in the gospel working together to share the gospel in Wilson county. So this is our desire.

Now, on the last night on this stage, Pastor Sherman, he came up to me afterwards. He said, I got a gift for you. And I'm like, what? You know, you got me a gift? What are you talking about?

And backstory on this is that every time I would see Sherman, he would have a different kind of different colored tennis shoes on, and they would always match his clothes. I'm like, how many pairs of tennis shoes do you have? I said, you're so much younger than me, prettier than me and cooler than me, I'll never be able to keep up with you. Pastor Sherman, I've been kidding around, like, for years about this as we've been praying together. And so he shows up, and he's got this bag that says Nike on the outside with these tennis shoes, right?

So he says, I believe you can do this. You can wear these. And so, as I was leaving that Wednesday afternoon, you guys, whom I love, are all like, if you don't wear these on Sunday and they're kind of stiff because. And I was almost late getting here this morning because I had to lace these boogers up. I mean, you know, they're a little bit stiff.

I'm probably going to have blisters. I should have broken them in first. But anyway, he surprised me with these Nikes. He said, you can be cool, too, my elder brother. Well, anyway, thank you.

Thank you, Sherman. Thank you. Back to the sermon on heaven, right? And maybe what I'm talking about is a little bit like what heaven will be like in the way we'll love each other. And that was a mark of his affection for me.

And it meant. It actually made me tearful that he loved me enough to do that. And so I'm thankful for it. Now, here's where we've been. Week one, we asked the question, why focus on heaven?

Why focus on heaven? We look from the book of Colossians, and the Bible says that we're to set our minds and our hearts on things above, not on earthly things. That we're to seek things above, not to seek earthly things. And we said, well, the Bible commands us to focus on heaven. Week two, we asked the question, what's heaven like?

What's it like in heaven? And we answered the question from the scripture, and we found that here's what heaven's like. We'll be with Christ. We will be fully conscious, we will be actively engaged, and we will be eagerly waiting for our redemption bodies and for the new heavens and the new earth. And that's what it will be like in heaven.

Then last week, we asked the question, will we know one another in heaven? And the answer was in the affirmative. Yes, we will know ourselves. We will have our memories and our personality, although it will be a redeemed version of ourselves. And we will know one another.

And we, of course, will know the Lord Jesus. And that was last week. Now, since then, I keep getting questions on heaven, and I'm trying to field as many as I can and look to the scripture. I'm not trying to give you my opinion. I'm doing my best to show you in the scripture what the Bible says about heaven.

Now, last week I had some people ask me, will there be animals in heaven? This is the question a little girl mentioned to me. She said, well, in the book of Revelation, I heard that Jesus is coming back on a white horse. And so he must have gotten that horse in heaven if he's going to come on that white horse. And if there are horses in heaven, surely there will be dogs.

And, you know, there's a certain logic to what she was saying. You know, she's got a point there. Now, there might be horses and dogs. I don't know about cats. Not sure about cats.

I got an Amen on that at the first service, you know. But seriously, I'm not sure if there will be animals in the present heaven, the present heaven being the heaven, the unseen heaven right now, where Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, where the heavenly hosts are present and where the saints who have gone before us are present now, awaiting their redemption and their resurrection bodies in the new heavens and new earth. I'm not sure if there are animals there, but I am certain of this. As we read the book of Isaiah and we read other places in the scripture that there will be animals in the new heavens and the new earth. Okay.

But that's not the purpose of the message today. And I do enjoy the questions you're asking me. This is the question today that we will attempt to answer from God's word. Should we care about heavenly rewards? Should we care about heavenly rewards?

Now, a lot of Christians get nervous about this, and they're confused about the importance of living a faithful life for Christ. They're confused about the importance and about heavenly rewards. They mistakenly claim, my good works mean nothing to God. Right. God doesn't care about that.

You know, salvation is free. Why should I care about rewards in heaven? And they're right in part. It is true that salvation is by grace, which means it's a free gift. It's by faith.

Jesus did all the work. There's no work left for us to do. As Paul said in Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV) 8 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast."

That's true, but you can't stop reading there because verse ten says, Ephesians 2:10 (ESV) "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

So you can't just stop at verse nine. Yes, salvation. Salvation is free, but reward in heaven is based on being faithful to do what God created you to do. So let's look at the scripture and see what the Bible says about heavenly rewards and whether we should care about them. In the apostle Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, he told them to take care to live faithfully for Christ in view of receiving heavenly rewards.

And I believe that we are to take care and how we live for Jesus because of the heavenly reward that awaits us. As we look at the text, I think we'll see three reasons why we should care about heavenly rewards. So let's dig in. We're in first Corinthians, chapter three.

We'll begin at verse ten. 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 (ESV) 10 "According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it. 11 For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw— 13 each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. 14 If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. 15 If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire." This is God's word. Amen. We're looking for three reasons why we should care about heavenly rewards. Here's the first:

1. Because our earthly works will be revealed by Christ.

In the passage we read today, there are three "If, Then" statements and it's from these three "If, Then" statements that we get our three reasons.  The first "If, Then" statement is found in verse 12 and 13, 12 "Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw— 13 each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done."

That's where we get our first reason why we should care is because Jesus will test our works, as it were, with fire. It'll be a fiery test that he will test our works, and he will reveal whether or not they were made of gold, silver, and precious stones, which is a category. If you put fire to them, it purifies them and they actually are revealed for their genuine nature. Whereas if you apply fire to wood, hay and straw, it burns up, right? So he's talking about how we live for Jesus.

And notice this word foundation. It's in here four times. Paul's saying, I'm a skilled master builder, and I have built on this foundation. And what is the foundation? Well, let's look and see what Paul says.

Verse eleven, 11 "For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ."

So the foundation for a believer is salvation through Jesus Christ. There is no other name by which we may be saved, right? And so this, this foundation of the house, which is our life that's being built, is being built on this free gift that we could not earn.

We couldn't earn it. All we could do is receive it as a gift. This salvation in Jesus is the foundation. Now, what you build on it matters. What kind of building materials?

Paul's using a metaphor here, right? What kind of building materials will you build on? Your salvation. So your salvation is the foundation, but are you living for Jesus? And Paul says it depends on what you used to build.

Now, I remember when I was growing up, I used to hear this story about the three little pigs. You ever hear the story about three little pigs built their house of straw? You ever hear about that? And the wolf came and blew it down. Paul's not, I don't think he had the three little pigs in view here, but he is talking about there are various building materials you can build your life upon and the foundation.

You can be a believer, but you can still waste your life. You can still use earthly, temporary things that will burn up, and you will look back on your life, and you'll be like, I wasted my life. I believed in Jesus. I knew him as my Lord and Savior. Heaven is eternal.

Life is mine. But I wasted so much time in hay and wood and straw that will not survive the revelation of Jesus when we appear before him and give an account for our life. Now, let's talk about that for a second. I believe there are two thrones spoken of in the Bible. Two thrones.

The first is the Bema seat, or the judgment seat of Jesus. If you look at this, the judgment seat, or Bema seat of Christ is for the commendation. Commendation of believers. A Bema seat in ancient Rome or in ancient Greece was where maybe a governor of the city would be sitting up on the dais, and he would be watching the athletes participate in a race, and someone would come in first, and they would come up on the dais in front of the Bema seat, which was a seat of reward, a seat of commendation. And he would place a crown upon the athlete's head for coming in first.

And it would be this leafy crown, kind of a half circlet like that. And he would bow down before the governor, who was seated on the Bema seat. This was not a place of punishment. This was a place of commendation. Are you with me?

That's what we're talking about. If you look at 2 Corinthians 5:10 (ESV) "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil."

How many people must appear? All. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil."

The word, "evil," could also be translated worthless. Was your life filled with faith? Then you'll hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant," from the master, who's seated on the Bema seat. Was your life. You received Jesus, but you really didn't align your life to follow him in the way you ordered up your life, you wasted your life.

Then you've got worthless things that will not survive the accounting. They will be considered worthless. Now, there's a second throne in the scripture that we see mentioned. That is not for believers, but it's for unbelievers. Believers will not appear in my reading of the scripture, believers will not appear before this throne, and it's the great white throne.

And the great white throne is for the condemnation of unbelievers. And they're condemned already because they have not believed in God's son, Jesus Christ. They're already under the wrath of God, and so their name has not been written in the book of life. We read this in Revelation 20:11-15 (ESV) "Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life… And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."

This is a place of condemnation. They were awaiting trial, and they already knew what they were facing. This is a time of weeping and trembling. This is a time of judgment. This is the great white throne judgment.

I do not see in the scriptures that believers will appear here. Books will be open. What are these books showing how they lived their life. And then one most important book will be open, and it's the Lamb's Book of Life. And if your name is not written in the book of life, that you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you will appear before the Great White Throne Judgment.

But if your name is in the book of life, you've laid the foundation that you're standing on, the promises of Jesus Christ, the free gift of salvation. Then your name is already written there. Your name is already written there. We used to sing a song when I was growing up. My name is in the book of life.

Oh, bless the name of Jesus. "I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know my name is written there." My little brother, when he was four years old, he loved that song because it repeated, "I know,"  so much. He knew those words well. I know my name is written there.

And here's what Paul says in verse ten. He says, "Take care." It's in the imperative voice. In the Greek, it means, this is a command. Take care what you put on top of that foundation of salvation.

You believe in Jesus. Good. You have eternal life. You have heaven, but will you have heavenly reward? All will be revealed based on what you put on there.

Each man's work. You see, they use fire to show the purity of a thing. If you want to know if gold is pure, it must be heated in the fire. And then what impurities are there? Rise to the top and they slough those off.

And what remains is purest gold. Gold, silver and precious stones are not harmed by, but they are revealed pure by fire. But wood and hay and straw are burned up. Notice these words as we continue reading in verses twelve and 13, "each one's work."

That means it's not going to be the church at large gathered for standing before the Bema seat. But it's one individual at a time. It won't be your parents. It'll be you. It'll be me.

Each one's work as an individual, your work will become manifest. Manifest means revealed, made plain for the Day, (capital D,) which points to the day of this Bema seat. Judgment for us as believers will disclose it. There's another revelation word, Manifest disclosed.

It will be uncovered, and then. He's not finished. Manifest disclose, because it will be revealed by fire. And the fire will test what sort of work each one is. Each one of us individually is done.

Now, I don't know what this looks like. The Bible is not specific. At the Bema seat. Does the Bema seat take place as each one of us arrives?

Have you ever heard these stories of these near death experiences? And people say, my whole life flash before my eyes. Have you ever heard these stories? Now, I don't know how much weight to put on these kinds of stories. I would prefer to put my weight on what the scripture says. So perhaps as you arrive in heaven, your whole life is, you have to give an account to Jesus.

Perhaps it's upon your arrival that this bema seat takes place. But most people think it happens after the rapture. That means there's going to be a long line, and I don't know if everybody's just sitting there watching. Your turn. I don't know why that bothers me more.

Like Jesus already knows everything. But I really didn't want you all to find out about it. Like, I'm more afraid of you and what you think of me than I am what Jesus thinks of me. What's wrong with me? Like, I hope it's a private consultation.

You know, the Bible says that he will wipe away every tear. What are we doing crying in heaven anyway? I think maybe it's that accountable moment. Where he goes, you know, Gary, you're faithful most of the time, but you had a hay day that day. You had a wood, hay, and straw day that day.

I mean, Lord, I remember that I went through a season where I just. I was just. I lost my passion. I wasn't, you know, I just don't know what it's going to be like, but it's all going to be revealed. I don't know if it's one on one or if all y'all be watching, and y'all gonna find out if y'all watching that, wow. How did he get that job as a pastor?

But I'm a sinner saved by grace, but I'm praying for a reward. I want a reward. And the fire will test it. Here's what Jesus said in Luke 8:17 (ESV) "For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light." There's nothing hidden.

You can tell more about a person by how they behave in secret than how they behave in public. What's your secret life look like? What do you do in your secret life that you don't want anybody to know? Jesus knows. He knows.

And there will be an accountable day that comes. We all must appear. It says, in Revelation 14:13 (ESV) And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”

How you've lived or not lived, as you should, for Christ will follow you before the Bema seat. Or as Maximus in that old movie, "Gladiator," said, "What we do in life echoes in eternity."  You got that part right. Have you ever looked for an ad? You know, like, maybe you were looking for some tennis shoes, and you googled it, or maybe you were looking for a tent, or you were looking for a grill, or you were just looking for something, and you googled it, and you were looking for prices and all these different kind of things, and then the next time you got on Facebook, there was the very stuff you were looking for.

You're like, that's weird. How did that happen? You went to Instagram. There's an ad for your special Nike tennis shoes with the orange stripe down the side. How did they know?

That's because they know everything about you. They're keeping data on you. They have algorithms that count how many times you click on a thing and what you clicked on, and they sell it to advertisers and they add to the algorithm and they put the very thing you clicked on on your social media. That's how they monetize Instagram and Facebook and all the social media. So Google knows a lot about you, but Jesus knows all about you, knows what you click on, but he knows the motive behind what made you do it.

It says in 1 Corinthians 4:5 (NIV) "Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God." You see the people that you think are really living for God, sometimes God won't see it that way.

In fact, Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount says, "If  you pray in public to be seen by men, you've received your reward already." Therefore, He says, "Pray in secret, that your father in heaven may reward you." So what is He talking about? Okay, so if you're just doing your righteousness so other people think you're righteous, that's all the reward you're going to get. You won't get a reward in heaven for that.

But if you live the secret life just like you do the public life, all for Jesus, the Father notices that because He judges not just the outward but the motives of the heart. Believer, know this. You're a believer today. Praise God. Heaven is yours.

Eternal life is yours. But know this, each one of us will give an account before the Bema seat of Jesus.

Here's the second reason why we should care about heaven. First is because all things will be revealed. The second is:

2. Because our faithful works will be rewarded by Christ.

Our faithful works will be rewarded by Christ. Now, we're at verse 14, and we're looking at that second "if, then" statement. Let's read it. Verse 14. He says this, "If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward if the work that anyone has built on the foundation."

Circle the word, "reward." If you've been building on top of your salvation in Jesus with gold, silver and precious stones, when you get to heaven and you stand before the Bema seat of Jesus, you will be rewarded. Oh, that's beautiful. This is wonderful. This is a promise.

That's the second "if, then" statement your work will be rewarded, your work of faith. Notice what it says in Revelation 22:12 (NKJV) “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work."

Jesus is going to reward your faith, your faithfulness. In fact, as I read the scripture, I see at least five crowns of reward from the Lord Jesus. The first one is the crown of righteousness. The crown of righteousness. We find this when Paul is talking to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:7-8 (NKJV) "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing."

Who gets a crown of righteousness? Those who have been faithful to the end and who have been looking for the day of His return, the day of His appearing. You want a crown of righteousness? I do. Paul says, it's one thing to start well, but you gotta finish well to get this crown.

You gotta finish well. Now I'm talking maybe more to people in my age group. Sometimes people in my age group start, they retire from their occupation, and then they retire from serving the Lord. Don't do it. Finish well.

You fought the good fight. Finish the race. Keep on. I was talking to a man during our prayer rally last week, and he came up to talk to me and he said, when we retired, I retired at 65. Me and my wife, we moved over.

I think it was Romania. He told me. I'm trying to remember. I think it was Romania. We moved to Romania, and we served there for eight years until my wife got a health problem and we had to move back.

He got kind of teary eyed about it. He moved there when he was 65, and he was, you know, he didn't even have to raise support. He already had Social Security in retirement. His support was already raised. And he went and he worked there for eight years until his wife got sick.

And he said, pray for me, pastor, this summer I'm going back. And his lower lip kind of quivered. And I said, you still love him? He goes, man, I still. I miss it.

He said, I'm going to go back for a few weeks. I can't stay long because I have to take care of my wife. But that church we planted over there, he goes, it's growing. I got to go and see who's coming to it now. They wanted to catch up.

You see, as you get older, don't let off the gas. Keep on living for Jesus. Keep on. Finish well. And so the crown of righteousness would be yours.

Here's the second one. The crown of soul winning. Or the crown of rejoicing. It's the same crown. There's rejoicing in heaven when one repents.

The scripture says, 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20 (NLT) "After all, what gives us hope and joy, and what will be our proud reward and crown as we stand before our Lord Jesus when he returns? It is you! Yes, you are our pride and joy."

This is Paul talking to the believers in Thessalonica, the ones he had led to Jesus. And he says, when I get to heaven, guess what? You're my crown. You're my crown of soul winning. You're my crown of rejoicing.

You know, they say you can't take it with you, but you can send it on ahead, and you can send people to heaven. And when you get there, they're your crown of rejoicing. They're your crown of soul winning. You know, the Bible says that we're like stars in the heavens as believers. And when I was growing up, we used to hear people talk about how when you win somebody to Christ, you get a crown of soul winning.

And for every person you win, you get another star. Well, I don't know. I can't find that quite in the Bible exactly. But I like it. I like it.

But there is a crown of soul winning. A crown of rejoicing, talked about in Thessalonians. Here's the third crown. The crown of life. We find this in the book of James.

James 1:12 (NKJV) "Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."

What's this crown of life? It's one who endures and perseveres through temptation, and yet keeps the faith. In another place in the scripture, it speaks of  the crown of life, and it compares it to one who goes through suffering or persecution, and yet doesn't give up. See, persecution, suffering, temptation, that's like a fiery test in this life.

And so maybe you have lost something. Maybe you lost a loved one that passed away, or maybe you lost a job, or you got bad news from the doctor about your own health, and it shook your faith. It tempted you to doubt God, but to the one who remains faithful and not only doesn't stop believing, but redoubles their faith, the crown of life is yours. Here's the fourth one. The imperishable crown.

The imperishable crown. 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 (NKJV) "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate [disciplined] in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown."

And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate or disciplined in all things. Now, they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. So this is a crown that is imperishable, made of imperishable things. Remember that circlet that the Romans would give out or the Greeks would give out? It was kind of a circlet that was wrapped with leaves, and that's a perishable crown.

But this is an imperishable crown, an eternal crown. Here's the fifth one. The crown of glory. The crown of glory as a fellow elder. This is Peter writing.

He says, 1 Peter 5:1-4 (NLT) "…As a fellow elder, I appeal to you: Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. Don’t lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example. And when the Great Shepherd appears, you will receive a crown of never-ending glory and honor." Now, this particular crown seems to be especially for those who are willing to be shepherds of a flock.

And so, Randy, if you're willing to shepherd the "YAMS," this crown might be something that you would receive someday if you do it not grudgingly, like, oh, man, it's Thursday night again. All these young people at my house eating groceries, you know? You know. Huh? Is that you? Yeah. You like groceries, don't you? Yeah.

So you won't get a crown if you do it grudgingly and complainingly, but if you do it because you love Jesus, you don't even do it for them. You love them because Jesus gives you a love for them, but you do it for him. And it's okay. Paul's teaching. It's okay to do it for the crown because the crown is that which he has given you the ability to do anyway.

You can't do it without his help anyway. Well, you might be a small group leader. You're a community group shepherd. Look at this crown. You might be a mom or a dad of some kids, and you're shepherding those kids.

Look at this crown. Now, don't be changing diapers begrudgingly, but do it with joy and do it for the Lord. And you might see this crown. Would you say it would be more fair? Maybe you were of the thought, you know, this just doesn't seem very christian.

Gary, wanting to have reward it couldn't be more christian to desire to hear well done and to receive recognition that you actually lived for Jesus. But some of us are here today and we're used to getting participation trophies. And we were just like, could we just get to heaven? And all of us get the same trophy? Can you imagine growing up and your parents noticed at an early age that you were very gifted at swimming.

And so around seven or eight, your mom started getting up, taking you to swimming lessons at 05:00 a.m. And you were really good at it and you were better than all the other kids. And so they put you in a program so that you went in the mornings at five. And as soon as school was over, you went swimming again and you swam seven days a week. And you did this through elementary school, and you did it through middle school, and you did it through high school and you competed.

And then finally in your twenties, you made it to the Olympics, which was your lifelong dream. And when you got to the Olympics, you were successful in your race and you were expecting to get the gold medal, and you went in and hoping to see the american flag and you on the highest platform. But then you found out at the last minute the Olympic Committee had met and they decided this was just not fair. And they decided that everyone who participated would be on the same flat platform. And instead of getting gold, silver and bronze medals, we would all get a wooden medal that's got the five Olympic rings in it and everybody would be happy.

You think you'd be happy? No, that's not fair. That's the opposite of fair. Think about that and make sure this know this. The Bema seat of Jesus is more fair than any seat you've ever stood in front of.:

And he will look at your actions, your motives. He will look at what's going on on the inside of your life. And otherwise. Believer when you build on the foundation of your salvation faithfully, you will be rewarded. Well done, good and faithful servant.

Here's the final reason why we should care about heavenly rewards:

3. Because our worthless works will be removed by Christ.

Because our worthless works will be removed by Christ. Our worthless works will be removed by Christ. We're on the final "if, then" statement. We're at verse 15, "If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire."

Paul makes it clear he's not talking about salvation. You'll arrive in heaven, you'll have eternal life, but you'll be smoking. You'll be as one who passed through the fire and everything you lived for. If it was made of wood, hay, and stubble.

Wood, hay, and straw. You won't have any. What you'll do is you'll suffer loss. The loss of what? Of what could have been.

And perhaps that's why there's tears in heaven that Jesus has to wipe away, because you realize, why didn't I just live for him every day? Why did I waste my life?

This is why the Bible says that wisdom is to number your days and to invest each day for things above, not earthly things.

This is because standing before the Bema seat of Jesus, when he tests the building materials that you built your life with, he'll see that you're saved. You're in heaven. You wouldn't be appearing before Jesus if you weren't his. I think he's gentle at this point. I don't think it matters how gentle he is.

When I see my life flash before my eyes, before him, and I realized, wow, that whole year I was just off track and I knew better, or that whole season I just wasn't living for Jesus. And I could have, but I was. I'd lost my passion.

I'm just thinking about that, and I don't think this should cause you to have fear of condemnation, because it's not a seat of condemnation. It's a seat of commendation. The only fear would be the fear of suffering, loss of what could have been. I don't know. I think when I was studying with my son Jonathan this week, he's our church planter that planted our Rocky Mount campus, and he got to that crown for shepherds, that crown of glory.

He got kind of tearful eyed, and he was just like, dad, how many times  I've done it begrudgingly and I have  "re-upped." I said, let's take a break from our study and let's just "re-up"  together. You know?

Don't put your life on a shelf. One day you'll stand before the Bema seat of Jesus. Stay busy. Look what Paul says. He disciplined himself for the prize.

It says in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NLT) 24 "Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! 25 All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. 26 So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. 27 I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified."

He's not talking about salvation. He's not worried about being disqualified for salvation. What's he concerned about being disqualified for?

The prize, the reward? He wants to run well, the race. After all, isn't it Jesus who, in his Sermon on the Mount says in Matthew 6:19-21 (ESV) 19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Jesus says, invest in heaven. Lay up treasures in heaven.

Former seminary professor and president of Dallas Theological Seminary John Walvoord, encourages us  to think about the Bema seat of Jesus. Kind of like a commencement ceremony, like a graduation. We have more graduates from high school this year in our youth group than I can remember, just like a whole bunch of them this year. And we've got several college graduates and so forth happening. And maybe you've been to, you remember your graduation ceremony.

This is what John Walvoord says, “Some students graduate with honors or high honors, and others receive rewards for distinctive achievements. However, the overwhelming emotion of all the graduates is the joy of receiving the diploma after years of sacrifice and study; every graduate receives a diploma and thus experiences joy and fulfillment. On the one hand, the seriousness of the judgment seat of Christ should be considered; on the other hand, all believers can rejoice in the marvelous grace of God that will enable them all to be in heaven even though they are imperfect in this life.”

Isn't it kind of like that? Just think about the Bema seat of Jesus kind of like being at a commencement. Some of us are just going to be like, you know, I didn't get any rewards, but I'm glad I graduated to heaven. And so you'll have this mixture.

You'll have this joy of being in heaven, eternal life, being with the saints that have gone before. You'll have all that joy. But there might be a moment of suffering and loss where you go. I wish I'd have been more faithful. This won't be about graduation to heaven.

This will be about whether or not you have a graduation cap to throw at the feet of Jesus, that you'll have a crown to throw at the feet of Jesus, that you'll have that to share with Jesus. And so I just think about that, and I think I might have skipped over that verse. Let's see if I've got it on a previous page. Can you all look back there and see? I think I did skip over it.

Can you find Revelation, chapter four for me back there?  Scroll back a couple slides. Is it popping up on the screen, people? All right. Revelation 4:10-11 (ESV) 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever. They cast their crowns before the throne, saying, 11 “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”

And so the crowned ones, those who have received these crowns, you have to have something to throw. You have to have a graduation cap. You have to have something to throw at the feet of Jesus.

And so this is the desire to hear that "well done, good and faithful servant. " Now, remember, there are two judgment seats in the Bible. One is the Bema seat, where all believers will appear and their whole life will be revealed before Jesus. And they will give an account for those that have lived faithfully. They'll receive heavenly reward, and they'll hear Jesus say, "well done, good and faithful servant."

But for some, they will not have built on the foundation of faith according to faith. And they'll look back, and I think for a moment there'll be some tears that Jesus wipes away. And he still says, come on in. I bought you with a price I've paid for you. So there will be this mixture of joy, but a little bit of sorrow for a moment that I think will be quickly forgotten.

But yet, don't you want to receive a heavenly reward? After all, the Bible says, take care about this. Then there's that other throne. It's the Great White Throne that will be the place that unbelievers stand before the Lord after the millennial reign of Jesus, at the end, before the new heavens and the new new earth are established. And these, they'll only be looking for one thing, because they're already condemned.

They'll just be looking for the verification that their name was never written in the book of life. And for those, the scripture says they'll be cast into the lake of fire apart from God forever. Which throne will you appear before? I pray that you appear before the Bema seat of Jesus. And even so, take care that you live for him in view of heavenly reward.

Amen. Let's pray. Lord Jesus, thank you for your word. Thank you that you died for us, so that you've already laid the foundation of faith, so that we can receive that salvation freely. We can be sure that our name is written in the lamb's book of life.

Are you sure about that? Today, heaven is still accepting reservations. Have you ever prayed to receive Jesus so that your name is written there right now, wherever you're at, whether you're watching online, whether you're in the room next door or in this room listening, would you pray with me? Right where you are. Pray like this.

Dear Lord Jesus, I'm a sinner, but I believe you died on the cross for me, that you were raised from the grave and that you live today. I repent of my sins, and I turn my life over to you. I surrender to you. Come into my life. Forgive me of my sin.

I want you to be my Savior and my Lord. I pray today that my name would be written in the book of life. Others are here, and you have confidence of that. You know, you know. You know your name is written there.

But do you know that you're living faithfully for him today? Will you be able to stand before him and hear, well done, good and faithful servant, just right now say, Lord, forgive me. Forgive me for not being on fire for you, for not being passionate for you, for not aligning my life, my time, my talents, my treasure, investing in things above, laying up treasure above. Instead of being so mindful of what's on the news and what's going on in this world and being so captured by earthly things. Forgive me, Lord, and help me to take care, to set my life's course, to lay up treasure in heaven.

May it be so. In Jesus name, amen.



Morning, church. Very good to see you this morning. I'm so thankful you're here. We're in part four of this series we've been going through together called heaven. It's better than you could have ever imagined, and it's far better than we can even describe.

We're going to attempt to do so this morning together and ask yet another very important question. But I do want to pause for just a minute. You could pop this image up. Our ladies are all back today. We had a handful of ladies on retreat last week we had 60.

Some go on retreat and several professions of faith. So thank the Lord, give him praise. Y'all can give him a hand. We don't always get to report that we come back from retreat with people having given and devoted their lives to Christ. We always make changes at these, but that's a really wonderful big step.

And so glad to see all the ladies around the building helping, and they serve in many capacities. So when they're not here, we really have to pick up a lot of slack, especially back there. So I'm thankful for them. This morning we're continuing our series on heaven, and we've been asking if you've missed anything so far in this series, you can go back and check them out online. But we've already asked some really important questions, the start of which was, why should we even consider it?

And that's very important that you understand that the Bible is pretty clear on this. It says, often set your hearts on things above, seek the things which are above. It is important that we have a heavenly perspective. We've asked some questions like, what's it going to be like? And are we going to, are we going to know each other and these kinds of questions.

And today we're asking one maybe you haven't even considered, but it's a very important one as far as a biblical perspective. And that is, should we even care about heavenly rewards? Should we care about that? Now, I got to admit, this conversation makes me nervous, and it probably makes a lot of you nervous. And I'm going to unpack why.

I think that is because for a lot of us, we're kind of confused about the importance of this because we've spent so much of our time as the church and as believers, considering that it is by faith that we are saved, and that is true, it is by faith that we were saved. So what of works now? I think the disciples and those who were writing scripture have already unpacked this in a way that is helpful. But then maybe we haven't taken it to the next step of what? When our faith, which causes salvation, it will eventually produce works that our faith, our works don't save us, but our faith, which does save us, will produce works.

That's how the Bible impacts us now. What about the next life? What does we know what faith will do? What do works do? This is an uncomfortable conversation for some of us because we're not so sure what this is all going to mean.

Does this life, it's maybe asking another question. Does the things we do in this life matter? Do they matter beyond just our yes to Jesus, beyond just that moment where we said, Christ, I am your son, your daughter, and I am yours forever. Does everything else we do matter? I think the answer that you're probably already knowing in your head is, well, they must.

They must matter for something. And that's the question today. Should we care about heavenly rewards? Should we care about what is the result of what we've done in this place? Randy Alcorn, I've mentioned his book several times, is simply called Heaven, and it's really a wonderful read on this topic.

He writes, the Bible indicates that all believers will stand before the judgment seat of Christ to give an account of their lives. It's critical then to understand that this judgment is not a judgment of faith, but a judgment of works. So our works do not affect our salvation. Hear this. But they do affect our reward.

Rewards are about our work for God, empowered by his spirit, rewards are conditional, dependent on our faithfulness. Well, this is going to be a good one. Are you all ready for this? We're going to be in First Corinthians chapter three asking a question. Maybe you really.

This one was heavily convicting. I keep thinking, man, when we get into this heaven series, it's just going to be me shouting praise and going, whoa. But as I studied this week, I was like, I got to do better. That's how I felt. As I studied this idea of heaven, I felt the need to really live, as if I could die tomorrow and live on purpose, if you will live my life on purpose.

In the apostle Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he told them to take care. That's his words, to live faithfully for Christ, for it would determine their heavenly reward. We too can take care to live faithfully for Christ in such a way that it determines our heavenly reward. The text is going to give us three reasons why we should take care about heavenly rewards. We've just got a few verses today.

First Corinthians chapter 310 15. Here's what it says. According to the grace of God, given to me, like a skilled master builder, I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it. For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Christ Jesus Christ.

Now, if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, and straw, each one's work will become manifest, for the day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire. God bless the reading of his word. Amen.

I didn't like that last sentence, Jonathan. I don't know if I want to say amen. Why care about heavenly rewards? Well, here's the first reason. Because our earthly works will be revealed by Christ.

Now, I want to point something out to you in the way in which I broke this scripture down. Study. And now in this sermon, I broke it down based on these three if then statements. You'll see them there. First one is at verse twelve, where he says, if you take care, this will be revealed by fire.

This revelation is coming, that the things in which he's arguing here, the things you have done in this life, will be revealed in the next. Now, he talks about this revelation as coming on the day. And I want to go ahead and put this out there because this might not be something you're really familiar with or studied on, but there are two judgment seats in heaven. Did you know this? There are two, and one is for believers, and one is for unbelievers.

The one for believers is, in the Greek, the word bema, or bema seat. It is a seat of judgment in the sense that it judges as a commendation for believers. So when believers come to this place, it's like an award ceremony. And I'm gonna get more into that in a minute. It's like we're all showing up for this great award ceremony, and some of us are getting a lot, and some of us are just happy we got through.

Some of us are happy we graduated. And that's kind of the idea of this Bhima seat. Now, we can go to other places and kind of review this. But we used the scripture a couple weeks ago. So in two corinthians five, it says, we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.

That's bema there, so that each 1 may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil. Did you know this, believers? Did you know that when you die or when the Lord comes and takes you home, that there will be a moment, somewhere in time, where you will stand before the bema seat of Christ, and all will be revealed? What you've done in this life, good and bad, again. Now you're starting to see what I was talking about this week.

This was very humbling and convicting as I processed it. Now, there's this other judgment seat called the great White Throne. This is not commendation. This is condemnation. This is, most believe, takes place after Christ's millennial reign.

It's talked about in revelation 20. You'll see this. This written. I saw a great white throne, and him who was seated on it. From his presence, earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them.

And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne. And books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. This is what the Bible says, that there is a place for us both.

Now, this is getting to be a pretty unpopular, and that's confusing to me. But more and more, I'm hearing about people say there is no hell, that this is a thing that people are writing off. Maybe there's a heaven, or some people have become what you might call annihilationists, that there's just an end for unbelievers. But revelation seems to be pretty clear that there's something else. There's a judgment seat for both.

So there's something there for both of us today. If you've come into this place and you are a follower of Christ, know this. The things you've done in the body are going to be revealed. And if you're not walking with Christ, there's this other place that you ought to, with all your power and all your faith, avoid. So take care.

That's what verse ten says. The imperative word, the command verb that commands this whole text, is take care. That is, to weigh it carefully, to look carefully at it, and not make, you know, not make the wrong move, but study it and do what is next. Now, verse twelve gives us the first of these if statements and the things to take care of. And he says, build on the foundation.

Now, what is he talking about there? Paul comes to the church at Corinth here, where there's beginning to be a little bit of infighting about some really silly stuff. And I say it's silly, but we still do it now. We still do it now. This thing begins to arise, that there are super apostles.

There are some guys out there that are really, really well spoken, and somehow Paul is not among them. Paul does not consider himself one of the super apostles. In fact, he completely disagrees with this theme. He begins corinthians by talking about, I'm glad I didn't baptize any of you because I don't want to be a part of this goofy thing you're trying to do where, oh, well, I'm a disciple of apollos and I'm a disciple of such and such. Now Paul says I'm a disciple of Christ and I'm putting off all that other mess.

And to that church he's reminded them, I laid a foundation. He was the first one there, him and his crew, and they began to share the gospel in Corinth. And he said, I laid a foundation there. And the foundation was simple. It was Jesus.

And so now I'm asking you, he's talking certainly to leaders, but I think he's talking to all believers. He says, be careful what you build on that. Here's the foundation, here's the cornerstone, here's the bedrock. It is the gospel. It is that Christ has died for our sakes, has set us free and has given us the freedom to live for him and purpose in this life and then in the next.

That is the foundation that Christmas, Christ has been crucified and raised. And so now be careful what you put on top of that. Now that is a humbling word because we as believers put all kinds of stuff on top of that. We've been doing it for 2000 years. Read the book of Galatians, you'll find out there's these people called the Judaizers who are trying to build onto the foundation these other things that, oh, yeah, it's good that you believe in the cross, but you also need to follow the laws of Moses.

You also need to be circumcised. You also, and they keep piling on this stuff and we still do this kind of thing. We, although we're a young church here, just a few years old, we begin to have traditions and eventually we may have to fight against our traditions to follow Christ and lean on his foundation. We might at some point say, but this is how we've always done church. We always do three songs, a sermon and two songs.

Don't mess with us. And there's nowhere in scripture that says we ought to do such a thing. In fact, we ought to every once in a while just start with the sermon. Just to mess with y'all. Cause y'all can't ever be on time.

I don't know what's up with that. I'll just start with a sermon. You go, man. I missed the whole first point. Sorry.

You'll get all of the worship, though, which you've been tending to miss. It makes me feel a certain way, like maybe we're not singing so good. I'm trying my best. I'm just messing with you. Nowhere in there.

These sacred cows, if you will. What kinds of things might we put on the foundation? Well, that's just the funny stuff. I wonder what kind of. And he lists them as wood, hay and straw.

What kinds of things have we laid on that foundation that won't stand the test of time? They won't stand up. He says each one's work will be made manifest on that day. That day there in the ESV is capitalized for a reason. This is this day of Christ's rapture of the church.

I believe this is this final day where he will manifest, where he will reveal the word reveal. Here is a word we know. It's where we get the word apocalypse. It's the word apocalypto, which means to uncover, to pull back the veil. And he's going to look at your life, and it says, a fire will test it.

Now, I think he's using some symbolic language there on purpose. Peter does this as well. Anytime you put things through a kiln, you put things through a fire. It either reveals the beauty of it or it burns it up. So you put gold through a fire, and it just makes it all the more beautiful.

It burns off all of the. All the broken parts and all the things that aren't gold. But you put wood in there, and we know what happens. Hay and straw, they don't make it gold. Silver and precious stones, however, are revealed as even more beautiful.

Now, who's he talking to here? Let me remind you of this church. He's talking to christians. He's talking to believers that at the bema seat of Christ, what is good and bad will be revealed. It'll be pulled back, the veil will be pulled back and such that we will see all of the gold and silver and things we did for the Lord that were valuable, that were faithful, and also the junk.

Now, certainly you could sit here and do a self check and think, well, there's some just downright sinful stuff that I do at times that I would like to avoid, and maybe some of that's in view. I think there's an even more tricky category that there's some stuff you thought you were doing for Christ, that you were doing for yourself. There's some stuff you thought was for his good old man Jonathan. You wouldn't believe it. Today was such a rough morning, but I made it to church.

I don't know. That sounds like wood, hay and straw. I mean, getting to the place. I don't know. I don't see a crown.

We're going to talk some more about the crowns that we receive. There's not a crown of. Hey, you just barely made it to church.

I think this is, in fact, who he's really talking to here. He's talking to this church at Corinth and saying, be careful how you build on this, because you might think it's all about the way you preach and it's all about, oh, my gosh, my church has the best worship team and it's nothing. That's not it. It's none of that stuff. I could be as eloquent as all get out, but if I'm not preaching the gospel and the true grace of God, worthless wood, hay, and straw, oh, that's convicting to me.

I'm so hopeful that at the end of the day that the things I've done from the pulpit would be the kinds of things that would stir you towards the gospel and not towards. Oh, my gosh, look at him. I don't want that, and I don't need it because it's wood, hay and stubble. Jesus said that everything we have done will be made known. He says in Luke chapter eight, nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come into the light.

Whatever you think you're hiding right now, you ain't hiding it from nobody. You're certainly not hiding it from him. Oh, you've put on a good. You've put on a good cover as you come to church. You might as well just take it off and let everybody see so that maybe you can receive healing.

It says, everything's coming into the light. In fact, believers deeds will follow them into heaven. Revelation 14 says, I heard a voice from heaven saying, write this. Blessed are the dead who die in the lord from now on. Blessed indeed, says the spirit, that they may rest from their labors.

Listen to this, for their deeds follow them. People are going to know you up there, based on the way you lived, we're going to know the martyrs. Clearly, this verse is saying that we're going to know those who died for their faith. Now, I personally want that to be true. Now, that might be convicting, but at the same time, it makes me pleased to know it.

I couldn't help but think of a gladiator quote this week. This almost seems like an aside. At the very beginning of the movie, Maximus turns to his troops and he says, what we do in life echoes in eternity. That movie is full of great lines, just so you know. But he's right about that.

He's right about that. Now, have you ever looked at an ad for something? Maybe it could be anything. Maybe you're on Amazon or Google or whatever looking for a new pair of shoes or a new pair of pants or a piece of furniture or something. You ever noticed that as soon as you do that, when you go over to social media, Facebook or whatever, all of a sudden, the sidelines start telling you about the pants she was looking at, and you're like, that's when you know you're being watched, right?

You're having that moment, but it's not. It's. It's even. It's even more interesting than that. That there are literally algorithms who are learning you.

They know what you want, and they do. So they start showing you what you want to see. There's a lot of data about each and every one of us. They can begin to see tales about the kinds of things we want to see and hear. But that's nothing compared to what God knows about us.

It's nothing. You know what? Those algorithms can never know? They can't know your motives. Christ does.

He says it's gonna be revealed by fire. Boy, I hope that's both encouraging and challenging at the same time. That you would walk in such a way that your devotion is not. That people would look at you and go, wow, he's done great things for Jesus. But that your devotion would be.

I just hope at the end of the day, what I've done here would please you, that when you look at my life, it would be pleasing, and that's a better way to live. Now, I had to wrestle something this week because I have to admit, there's a bit of negativity in me, that I used to be such a son of encouragement, if you will. I've always been kind of a goofball. I love making people laugh. If I didn't do preaching, I might have done comedy.

I don't know. I really like seeing people smile. But there's this negative thing in me at times that, especially when I'm dealing with this scripture, that makes me. Instead of saying, I want to live my life in such a way that it pleases God, that I would say, I don't want to live my life in a way that displeases you. And that's the wrong answer.

I'm convinced of this, that that doesn't motivate me in the right way, that I'm just. Then I'm walking on eggshells, then I'm like, I just don't want to mess up. I don't want to make a mistake. God. And that's not how he's made me.

Instead, I just want the applause of one. You see the difference? It's really impacted me this week. And I've got to keep. I've got to keep kind of working on this because there's this conviction I have towards obedience that isn't always about pleasing the Lord.

Rather, I just fear his displeasure. I want his love. I want to live with love, not fear. Believer. We will all appear before this beam, a seat of Christ, and he will reveal and test our works.

Here's the second reason we should certainly care about heavenly rewards, and that is because our faithful works will be rewarded by Christ. They will be rewarded, and it's the only kind of stuff that matters. Most of what we work for in this life is going to be dust. And, yeah, we need to work hard to take care of our families and put food on the table. That's not even what I'm talking about right now.

But the things, if we're looking to have things that are eternally valuable, they have to be faithful works for the Lord Jesus built on his foundation. He says, work here, ergon deeds, labors, acts done. They will receive a reward by Christ Jesus. Jesus promises to reward believers according to their work. Listen to what he says in revelation 22.

Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me to give to everyone according to his work.

Now, I've often said that the gifts of the spirit as listed in the text, there are several places you could go to to see the gifts that are given by the Holy Spirit. I've often said none of those lists appear to be comprehensive to me, that if you take them all together, maybe that's a pretty good list of the kinds of gifts that God gives. But I have to admit, maybe there's some other things that the spirit of God gives and Paul's or Peter's or whoever's putting these out isn't intending to give us the whole list. And I think that is again true as I dig into these five crowns. Have you ever heard about the five crowns given in heaven?

There's five listed in the scriptures, and I'm convinced that this isn't a comprehensive list, that perhaps there are more, but they aren't mentioned. The first crown that I would like to put in view is the crown of righteousness. I don't know how your notes are laid out, but feel free to write these down. The crown of righteousness. We find that in two Timothy, chapter four, verse seven, where it says, I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that day, and not to me only, but to also to all those who have loved his appearing. So this seems to be a crown that's given to people, perhaps, who persevere, those who fight and finish the race, those who don't fall off somewhere in the journey and are there and are loving his appearing. There's another crown talked about in first Thessalonians. I would perhaps call this the crown of soul winning. Some have called this the crown of rejoicing.

One, Thessalonians two. It says, after all, what gives us hope and joy and what will be our proud reward and crown as we stand before our Lord Jesus when he returns. It is you. Yes. You are our pride and joy.

So this is interesting. Perhaps there's a crown given for soul winning or for the joy. But the crown itself, perhaps, is the people that you led to salvation seems to be the implication here. Another crown given is the crown of life. We see this in James chapter one.

Blessed is the man who endures temptation, for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love him. The crown of life. The one who endures temptation. Interesting.

Every time you endure temptation, maybe you're putting another opportunity there. The imperishable crown. First Corinthians nine. It says, do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one who receives? But one receives the prize?

Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate, that is disciplined in all things. Now, they do it to obtain a perishable crown. But we for an imperishable crown. Are you running the race with endurance, with temperance, with discipline?

The imperishable crown. Then there's the crown of glory. The fifth one listed, one peter five, says, as a fellow elder, I appeal to you, care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly, not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. Don't lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your good own good example.

And when the great shepherd appears, you will receive a crown of never ending glory and honor. Now, that one was especially convicting to me, because sometimes I watch over the flock grudgingly. There are times where I think to myself and, oh, lord, I wish. I know you wish it weren't so. There are times I wish I could do something else with my life, and no one smiled.

So you really believe me? That's scary. It is true, though. There are times, and maybe you feel this way, too, there are times where you look at your career and go, why? What have I done?

What am I doing here? And there are situations that are really hard. There are counseling sessions. There are people. There are difficult moments that make me go, man, I wish I could have coasted.

And I care grudgingly. This is a good word to me, because I want to be eager to serve God. Don't you? I just want to be eager and to do it willingly. You will ask, what will we do with these crowns now, this is a really fascinating thing.

What will become of all of these rewards now? I can say I honestly don't know. I don't think the Bible tells us what in the world this is all going to mean, that the rewards and crowns are being given, and there are 24 elders described in revelation. Do they have some sort of leadership in heaven? Is there some sort of hierarchy there?

Here's what I know confidently, that God the father and God the Son are on the throne, and they're in charge. I know that with confidence and that the spirit of God will inhabit this place, that the triune God is gonna be on display, and I can't wait for that. However, I don't know what's underneath that, and the Bible isn't clear enough to show me. Apparently, God thinks he doesn't need to know this. If he thought I needed to know it, he'd have put it.

So he gave me enough to know that what I do in this life, the faithful works, will be rewarded, and there will be crowds, and there will be elders. There will perhaps be some kind of leadership. I guess at the end of the day, I'm not super mad about the fact that maybe somebody like the apostle John or Peter or Paul, that in some way maybe I'll get there and say, I'm really impressed by you. Like, I'm proud of what you did and that if in some way he's. And this comes back to the award ceremony, some of you aren't going to like this illustration, and maybe I'm just going to let it rest and see what the Lord does in your heart.

You make a decision for yourself. But I think this is kind of what's going on. When I graduated from high school, just so you know, I did not graduate top of my class. I know you're surprised, but the reason in which I did not graduate top of my class might surprise you. It isn't because I wasn't smart enough.

It's because I didn't work hard enough. In fact, I did. I had one of the top SAT scores in my school. I made, like, a perfect score on that asvab test you take for the army. Only reason I even took that thing was because you could get out of class for the day.

I was like, you got to take a test and you get to leave. Hallelujah. And then the marines and the navy were at my door for weeks. Like, please get on a boat. I don't know why they want to be on a boat so bad, but I was, like, 85th out of 303.

Why? Because I was lazy. And so are a lot of your students. So might have you been. I remember old my buddy Justin Cobb.

He was valedictor, like, co valedictorian, and the dude worked his b*** off to get that. And so at that reward ceremony, there's a moment in me where I'm like, yeah, I should have been. Maybe I could have been up there. But I didn't feel mad because I knew what I had done. At the end of the day, I was just happy.

I got to throw my cap off like I did it. I got out by the skin of my teeth because I was such a goof. Some of you know what I mean? I'm not so sure heaven isn't similar on this that we may see. I don't know.

You insert whatever name you want there. Maybe Billy Graham is the guy up there getting a bunch of rewards. Maybe it's the apostle Paul. And I'm going to be sitting in that congregation going, yeah, he earned that. I'll be happy that maybe I get a little metal.

Maybe I'll get a little something something. At the end of the day. I'm going to be right there next to some of y'all. Just happy I get to throw my hat off and enter the presence of God.

But I would rather work hard and have more to do this. Look at this. Revelation, chapter four. The 24 elders fall down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever. They cast their crowns before the throne, saying, worthy are you, o Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power.

For you created all things, and by your will, they existed and were created. I want more stuff to throw. How about you? You might be saying to yourself, wouldn't it just be more fair if everyone got a participation trophy? You hate that here.

Why would you want that there? That's not heaven. And you know what? That would imply a very scary thing. It would imply that what we do here doesn't matter.

And what we do here matters incredibly every moment. These moments you're here in this place, the moments you're going to share with others this week, they matter. They matter for eternity. You may get a conversation with someone this week that's going to matter for eternity. And maybe you too will get a crown of rejoicing to see one sinner come to faith.

Oh, it matters. Believer. Build on the foundation of your salvation in Christ. Build it faithfully. Start living as if the stuff you're doing actually matters.

The way you speak to your spouse, it matters. The way you study your word, it matters. You're starting a relationship with someone that you're going to spend eternity with, it matters. The things you say to your co workers, oh, they matter. The work that you do in your workplace, oh, it definitely matters.

Not just for promotion, but that people would look at you and go, why do you do what you do? Everyone else is coasting. We're all getting paid the same. What's your problem? You're making us look bad because I work for the applause of one, not for my boss.

What we do in this life matters. Here's the third reason. Because our worthless works will be removed by Christ. Now, I gave you three r's there because I love you so much. Revealed.

Rewarded. Removed. That final if is the one. That's real scary in this sentence, verse 15. If anyone's work is worthless, if you will, it's gonna be burned up.

And it says that the person will suffer loss. That's what's written here in the text. So I can't overlook it. I can't dodge it. The stuff that's burned up, we're gonna feel loss.

But it's not gonna be anything to do with salvation. And Paul's very careful to say that, though he himself will be saved, as though one who's gone through fire. We used to kind of. I've heard it joked about that some of us are gonna get there and. And we're gonna walk in like steam's coming off of us.

Cause we just barely skated through the beam of seat when we came in. Like our hair was on fire. And we'll walk up to our friends and go, I didn't have a lot to show for it, but I made it. And that's some of our story. I'd like it to not be mine.

This burned up, this suffer loss. This word loss here means to receive damage, to experience detriment. The apostles weren't afraid of this conversation that for some reason, I feel like the modern church is afraid of. Look at second John eight. It says, watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward.

Paul says he disciplines himself for this eternal prize. One corinthians nine. Don't you realize that in a race, everyone runs? I read some of this earlier, but one gets the prize. So run to win.

All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away. But we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadow boxing.

I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others, I might disqualify myself.

Well, I don't know why, but it seems like believers are afraid of such a sentence as to say, so run to win. Win what? When I want to come through there, I don't want to be smoking. I don't want to come through there with my hair on fire. I want to come through there with a bunch of stuff to throw at the feet of the lamb and go, we did it, Lord.

Because all of none of this, this isn't like a self help. Like, you better do better. This is the idea that I'm going to get in step with the Holy Spirit of God and start doing the works of God in this place so that the kingdom of heaven would be revealed now that I would get in such a serious walk with the Lord Jesus that I would begin to do the things he would do in my life. And then when I get to that place, he'll go, well done, good and faithful servant. You were faithful with a few things.

I'll put you in charge of many, Jesus warns us about storing up worthless stuff. Matthew six, don't lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy. Where thieves break in and steal. Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys. Where thieves do not break in and steal.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

This is very convicting to me because there's so much time wasted, and there's some moments in our lives, I believe, church believers in the room where we need to rest. Certainly so. But there's a right many moments where God has presented an opportunity, where we could lay gold and silver and precious stones on the foundation, and we just walk right past it. We just overlook it.

Former professor and president of Dallas Theological. His name was John Woolverd. You might have one of his commentaries if you've got that kind of stuff. But he encourages us to think about the judgment seat of Christ exactly like a commencement ceremony. I thought of this.

I just want to put this out there. I thought of this before I read him. Okay? He just. He put it into words.

Some students graduate with honors or high honors. Others receive rewards for distinctive achievements. However, the overwhelming emotion of all the graduates is the joy of receiving the diploma. After years of sacrifice and study, every graduate receives a diploma and thus experiences joy and fulfillment. On the other hand, the seriousness of the judgment seat of Christ should be considered.

All believers can rejoice in the marvelous grace of God that will enable them all to be in heaven, even though they are imperfect in this life.

I use that verse to remind you of something, this duality, if you will, that you don't have to fear the bema seat, that you don't have to fear that day where you'll come before the father. And you know already, I've wasted a lot of time. I've wasted a lot of opportunities. You don't have to worry that somehow your joy will be in lack. It will not.

We've often read this scripture that says, God, Christ will wipe every tear away. And we've often thought, maybe he means, like, he's wiping the tears we have about a past life, or that when we look at the earth, we might have tears about that, and he wipes all that away. There's no crying, no weeping in heaven. And maybe that's true, or maybe it is that right after this bema seat, we're gonna feel a sense of missed opportunities, and he's gonna wipe that stuff away. Come on in.

Be thrilled. And we're gonna put that stuff behind us. So there's that duality of I have no doubt. Believers, you don't have to fear the bema seat and that you're somehow gonna lack joy, that you're gonna have jealousy. None of that stuff's gonna be there.

You're gonna have perfect joy in the savior. At the same time, what we do in this life does matter. Do you feel the duality?

It matters because people matter. I wanna close with that thought. Yes, there's two judgment seats. Yes, there's Abhima seat for all believers to go before. And what really matters, how well did I take care of the people God entrusted?

You know, Peter talks about this flock that he has as an elder, and I think he's somewhat talking specifically about a body of believers that have been entrusted to him. But we have to be honest about something. We've all been entrusted with people we couldn't control, the family we got born into. And some of you are like, man, that's a shame, because my family, whoo. And yet those people were entrusted to you.

And I've had people ask me at times, do I need to be the bigger man? Why do I always have to give the grace? Why do I always have to be merciful? Because God decided to give you grace and saved you. So now pour it out, my friend.

Pour it out. How many times should I forgive? Again and again he says 70 times seven. Both of these perfect numbers that Jesus likes so much, he means forever. Keep forgiving.

To whom? Who has been given much grace? Grace should be given to others. You've been entrusted with people, all right? Many of you in the room are parents, are married.

Those people have been entrusted to you by God. It's not an accident. You might wake up tomorrow and go, man, I'm really sick of him or her. But this was no accident. These people have been entrusted into your care.

What are you doing with them?

What comes with us? Well, Thessalonians is right. The biggest crown is those who will follow us in. Those are the true crowns. On that day, two judgment seats.

So, friends, as the word says, take care how you build. How are you building on the foundation? Have you laid a foundation yet? Let's start there. Some of your little ones, some of your family members.

Let's start with the foundation. Paul says, I laid in just one thing, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let's start there and then build on that in the way that the spirit of God leads us. Let's pray now. Heavenly Father, we ask that you would guide us, that you would lead us in salvation, that you would lead us, give us clarity as to how we should walk in this life.

When we read passages like we've read today, we have to admit there's a little bit of a confusion maybe, or a little bit of even anxiety about. But I know when I look at my life and I look at the things that I can remember, and there's a lot of stuff I don't even remember. But when I think about some of the missed opportunities, I already feel a sense of shame.

God, I pray that we wouldn't live in such a way that we would look at all those past mistakes and think, well, God help me not to make another mistake. God, help me not to live in such a way that displeases you. No, God, I pray our language would change that the things we're passionate about, the things we really care for, are the things that have eternal value and that we start being motivated, as one of our scriptures this morning said, that we would be eager to serve God. Why? Because we love him and we want him to be proud of us.

We want him to be pleased. We want good and faithful servant. We want the applause of one God, motivate us, your people, your church, to live today, to live tomorrow. As if the things we are saying, the things we are doing, the conversations, the work of our hands, as if those things really matter, because they do. They echo in eternity.

God, I pray that you would motivate us with this, that we would live as if tomorrow could be our last and we would live it as such. Cause we don't know. We have no clue. Father, what you're doing next. You could come tomorrow.

I pray, Lord, we would live that way, that every moment matters. Do that in us, work through us. That your church would be on fire in this place, that this city would know us as a people who seem real, urgent and intentional. God, I'd be happy to be known as such. Lord, we love you.

Guide our steps. Help us to know ways in which we individually ought to be building on your foundation, ways in which you've designed and shaped us to be effective in the kingdom of God. We pray all these things in Jesus name. Amen.

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