Growing More Like Jesus

Healthy for Life January 13, 2013 Luke 2:52 Notes

Pastor Gary Combs begins a 5-week sermon series about discipleship entitled “Healthy for Life.” This series is based on Luke 2:52 which says that Jesus grew in four areas. These four areas might be described as the four ways or “B”s of how we can grow more like Jesus. These four “B”s of discipleship are: believing, behaving, becoming, and belonging.


What to watch next...

Growing in Believing

January 20, 2013 ·
John 8:23-32

Growing in Behaving

January 27, 2013 ·
Philippians 2:12-18

Growing in Becoming

February 3, 2013 ·
Colossians 3:1-14

Growing in Belonging

February 10, 2013 ·
Romans 12:3-13