Who of us wouldn’t say, “I want to have a better life”? But what does that look like? What is the “good life”? In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he taught them that they had the freedom to choose between sin and death and righteousness and life. We can experience God’s purpose for our lives when we willingly offer ourselves to him. How can we redefine success from what the world tells us the “good life” is? We can be a tool in God’s hand and yield ourselves to God in service of righteousness



What to watch next...

Reconciled Life

April 30, 2017 ·
Romans 5:6-11

Spiritual Life

May 7, 2017 ·
Romans 8:1-8

Lose to Find

May 14, 2017 ·
Matthew 16:13-26

Talk Less to Say More

May 21, 2017 ·
James 1:19-25